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VMware vSphere 7
VMware vSphere 8
VMware Workstation
Upgrade: VMware Workstation 15.x or 16.x (Pro or Player) to Workstation 17 Pro (WS17-PRO-UG-C)
8 300 ₽
Upgrade: VMware Workstation 17 Player to Workstation 17 Pro (WS17-PRO-PLAY-UG-C)
7 600 ₽
VMware vCenter Server 8 Foundation for vSphere 8 up to 4 hosts (Per Instance) (VCS8-FND-C)
132 700 ₽
VMware vCenter Server 8 Standard for vSphere 8 (Per Instance) (VCS8-STD-C)
533 400 ₽
VMware vSphere 8 Enterprise Plus Acceleration Kit for 6 processors (VS8-EPL-6AK-C)
2 242 800 ₽
VMware vSphere 8 Enterprise Plus for 1 processor (VS8-EPL-C)
320 000 ₽
VMware vSphere 8 Enterprise Plus with Tanzu Kubernetes Grid - 1-Year Prepaid Commit Subscription - Per Core (VS8-EPLTSR-SK-TLSS-1Y-C)
11 400 ₽
VMware vSphere 8 Enterprise Plus with Tanzu Kubernetes Grid - 3-Year Prepaid Commit Subscription - Per Core (VS8-EPLTSR-SK-TLSS-3Y-C)
24 300 ₽
VMware vSphere 8 Enterprise Plus with Tanzu Kubernetes Grid - 5-Year Prepaid Commit Subscription - Per Core (VS8-EPLTSR-SK-TLSS-5Y-C)
40 500 ₽
VMware vSphere 8 Essentials Kit - 1-Year Prepaid Commit Subscription - Per 96 Core Pack (VS8-ESL-SK-TLSS-1Y-C)
19 500 ₽
VMware vSphere 8 Essentials Kit - 3-Year Prepaid Commit Subscription - Per 96 Core Pack (VS8-ESL-SK-TLSS-3Y-C)
42 200 ₽
VMware vSphere 8 Essentials Kit - 5-Year Prepaid Commit Subscription - Per 96 Core Pack (VS8-ESL-SK-TLSS-5Y-C)
69 700 ₽
VMware vSphere 8 Essentials Kit for 3 hosts (Max 2 processors per host) (VS8-ESSL-KIT-C)
41 400 ₽
VMware vSphere 8 Essentials Per Incident Support - Email + Phone, 1 incident/year (VS8-ESSL-1PAK-C)
28 300 ₽
VMware vSphere 8 Essentials Per Incident Support - Email + Phone, 3 incident/year (VS8-ESSL-3PAK-C)
70 200 ₽
VMware vSphere 8 Essentials Per Incident Support - Email + Phone, 5 incident/year (VS8-ESSL-5PAK-C)
107 400 ₽
VMware vSphere 8 Essentials Plus Kit for 3 hosts (Max 2 processors per host) (VS8-ESP-KIT-C)
374 700 ₽
VMware vSphere 8 for Desktop (100 VM Pack) (VS8-DT100VM-C)
642 100 ₽
VMware vSphere 8 Standard - 1-Year Prepaid Commit Subscription - Per Core (VS8-STD-SK-TLSS-1Y-C)
5 400 ₽
VMware vSphere 8 Standard - 3-Year Prepaid Commit Subscription - Per Core (VS8-STD-SK-TLSS-3Y-C)
11 500 ₽
VMware vSphere 8 Standard - 5-Year Prepaid Commit Subscription - Per Core (VS8-STD-SK-TLSS-5Y-C)
19 100 ₽
VMware vSphere 8 Standard Acceleration Kit for 6 processors (VS8-STD-6AK-C)
1 024 200 ₽
VMware vSphere 8 Standard Acceleration Kit for 8 processors (VS8-STD-8AK-C)
827 600 ₽
VMware vSphere 8 Standard for 1 processor (VS8-STD-C)
88 700 ₽
VMware Workstation 17 Player for Linux and Windows, ESD (WS17-PLAY-C)
12 800 ₽
VMware Workstation 17 Pro for Linux and Windows, ESD (WS17-PRO-C)
17 100 ₽
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