Мультимедиа программы - страница 8
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ESD (Электронный ключ продукта)
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Для бизнеса, личного пользования с обучением
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Для коммерческого использоваания
Для бизнеса, корпоративного пользования
Хиты продаж
Оценка покупателей
Дата добавления
В наличии
TeamCity - Upgrade from Enterprise Server with 3 Build Agents to Enterprise Server with 20 Build Agents [TCE-TCE20-A]
327 700 ₽
TeamCity - Upgrade from Enterprise Server with 3 Build Agents to Enterprise Server with 5 Build Agents [TCE-TCE5-A]
41 000 ₽
TeamCity - Upgrade from Enterprise Server with 3 Build Agents to Enterprise Server with 50 Build Agents [TCE-TCE50-A]
889 100 ₽
TeamCity - Upgrade from Enterprise Server with 5 Build Agents to Enterprise Server with 10 Build Agents [TCE5-TCE10-A]
97 000 ₽
TeamCity - Upgrade from Enterprise Server with 5 Build Agents to Enterprise Server with 100 Build Agents [TCE5-TCE100-A]
1 576 100 ₽
TeamCity - Upgrade from Enterprise Server with 5 Build Agents to Enterprise Server with 20 Build Agents [TCE5-TCE20-A]
282 900 ₽
TeamCity - Upgrade from Enterprise Server with 5 Build Agents to Enterprise Server with 50 Build Agents [TCE5-TCE50-A]
848 700 ₽
TeamCity - Upgrade from Enterprise Server with 50 Build Agents to Enterprise Server with 100 Build Agents [TCE50-TCE100-A]
727 500 ₽
Upsource 100-User Pack - License upgrade from 25-User Pack including upgrade subscription [USN25-USN100-A]
389 300 ₽
Upsource 100-User Pack - License upgrade from 50-User Pack including upgrade subscription [USN50-USN100-A]
161 700 ₽
Upsource 100-User Pack - New license including upgrade subscription [USN100-NS]
368 700 ₽
Upsource 100-User Pack - Past due renewal of upgrade subscription [USN100-P]
272 800 ₽
Upsource 100-User Pack - Renewal of upgrade subscription [USN100-R]
245 800 ₽
Upsource 1000-User Pack - License upgrade from 25-User Pack including upgrade subscription [USN25-USN1000-A]
1 592 300 ₽
Upsource 1000-User Pack - License upgrade from 50-User Pack including upgrade subscription [USN50-USN1000-A]
1 495 300 ₽
Upsource 1000-User Pack - License upgrade from 500-User Pack including upgrade subscription [USN500-USN1000-A]
727 500 ₽
Upsource 1000-User Pack - New license including upgrade subscription [USN1000-NS]
1 720 400 ₽
Upsource 1000-User Pack - Renewal of upgrade subscription [USN1000-R]
848 700 ₽
Upsource 1000-User Pack - Renewal of upgrade subscription [USN1000-R]
1 290 300 ₽
Upsource 25-User Pack - New license including upgrade subscription (USN25-NS)
105 100 ₽
Upsource 25-User Pack - Past due renewal of upgrade subscription (USN25-P)
79 900 ₽
Upsource 25-User Pack - Renewal of upgrade subscription (USN25-R)
53 300 ₽
Upsource 250-User Pack - License upgrade from 100-User Pack including upgrade subscription (USN100-USN250-A)
368 700 ₽
Upsource 250-User Pack - License upgrade from 25-User Pack including upgrade subscription (USN25-USN250-A)
630 800 ₽
Upsource 250-User Pack - License upgrade from 50-User Pack including upgrade subscription (USN50-USN250-A)
532 500 ₽
Upsource 250-User Pack - New license including upgrade subscription (USN250-NS)
727 500 ₽
Upsource 250-User Pack - Past due renewal of upgrade subscription (USN250-P)
553 000 ₽
Upsource 250-User Pack - Renewal of upgrade subscription (USN250-R)
429 400 ₽
Upsource 50-User Pack - License upgrade from 25-User Pack including upgrade subscription (USN25-USN50-A)
447 400 ₽
Upsource 50-User Pack - New license including upgrade subscription (USN50-NS)
197 700 ₽
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